

Created by Karl Kesel

Your One-Stop Shop for the IMPOSSIBLE! (IMPOSSIBLE JONES, that is— the thief-pretending-to-be-a-hero created by KARL KESEL and DAVID HAHN.)

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update #2, Attempt #3
7 months ago – Fri, Feb 16, 2024 at 10:18:09 AM


YOU are Amazing!

YOU helped us fully fund in about 3.5 hours!

YOU helped us raise $30,000 in the first 24 Hours!

YOU tore through the first 2 STRETCH GOALS like they were PAPER! (High-quality, 100% rag paper with a little sheen, just enough to make the color pop, but not too much; but still: PAPER!) With Stretch #3 only a little over $500 away from CRUMPLING!

Pretty DAMN Amazing!

But now the rush is over, the dust is settling, and I finally had a good night's sleep! (I was WIPED OUT yesterday! It was is if a massive amount of stress was suddenly lifted off me— thanks, again, to YOU!) So…

…It's Time to Get to WORK!

Okay. NOW it's Time to Get to Work!


A few of you asked to add a SIGNED BOOKPLATE to their pledge. Why I didn't include this as an ADD-ON from the start, I'll never know. But it's there now.

If you'd like to grab one just click MANAGE YOUR PLEDGE, choose your same pledge again, and then Add-On the Bookplate in the, y'know, ADD-ON section. Easy-peasy.


The IMPOSSIBLE JONES SECRET VALENTINE was a HUGE success! If you missed it— we did a "secret" launch on Valentine's Day and everyone supporting IMP on the 14th got a SECRET VALENTINE— I'm very sorry you weren't there. And I can't show the SECRET VALENTINE here because it's, well… secret.


The SECRET VALENTINE is now such a big part of this book that it will be documented in the the book! So everyone will get to see it then!


What I Can Do:

I'll continue to bore and annoy people by constantly posting about the IMPOSSIBLE JONES ULTRA-COOL COLLECTORS EDITION on Facebook and Bluesky (and maybe Twit/X; we'll see). I also have a few interviews and podcasts lined up. Anything to get word out about IMP and more eyes on this book.

What You can Do:

The MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do— other than supporting IMP, which you've already done, thank you very much— is help spread the IMPOSSIBLE GOSPEL. See an IMP post you like? SHARE it. Find an IMP graphic you like? POST it. Tell people you're looking forward to this book, and they should check it out.


In fact, see this Facebook post here:


I'LL MAKE IT WORTH YOUR TIME: Once this post gets 100 SHARES I will share with you some of the astounding work ARTHUR ADAMS is doing on the IMP-verse FOLD-OUT!You'll see it FIRST and you'll see it HERE.

 So… what are you waiting for?



I know I've talked about this before in another IMP book's Update— but it's just such a GREAT COMIC! Not only does it have spectacular writing and art, but the first issue had a moment that made perfect sense but caught me completely by surprise. That doesn't happen a lot. That, my friend, is great storytelling!

The concept is pure genius: Technology has developed a way so that, one day a year, you can TALK WITH THE DEAD. But the meat of the story is the relationship between Michelle and Josie, which goes back to when they both worked at a college radio station in the 90s.

The writer BENJAMIN HUNTING also worked in a college radio station in the 90s, and his personal, hands-on knowledge of that world shows on every single page. It's a thing of beauty.

And JOE NG's art— well, just look at that cover!

Right now DEAD AIR hasn't hit their goal. Let's fix that.

One more graphic from DEAD AIR, just 'cause I love it so much:

BTW: for some reason my computer or the internet or evil elves or something ate this Update— TWICE! But looks like third time's the charm…

7 months ago – Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 09:43:03 PM



There's about two and a half hours left to Valentine's Day here in Portland, Oregon, and lemme tell ya: I've had more romantic ones, but never one where so many people shared their love.

Your response to the IMPOSSIBLE JONES Vol 2 ULTRA-COOL COLLECTORS EDITION has been nothing short of stunning. Phenomenal. Almost— dare I say— impossible to believe.

You rocketed past the original goal of $20,000 at the warp speed of three and a half hours (give or take), have already surpassed one Stretch Goal, and are quickly closing on another!

It reminds me of one of the late-night hosts who said "If Taylor Swift's fans had stormed the capitol on January 6, they'd be running the country right now!" Is there anything you (and your cohorts) can't do?

All I can do is offer my humble, heartfelt THANKS.

And hope you enjoyed the SECRET VALENTINE. ;-)

What's Next?

Stretch Goals, Spreading the IMPOSSIBLE GOSPEL and… sleep. For me, at least. You've worn me out!

I'll have more intelligent things to say in the next update. At least, that's the plan.

Thank you again. David and Ryan and I wouldn't do— couldn't do— this without YOU. And we wouldn't have it any other way.