

Created by Karl Kesel

Your One-Stop Shop for the IMPOSSIBLE! (IMPOSSIBLE JONES, that is— the thief-pretending-to-be-a-hero created by KARL KESEL and DAVID HAHN.)

Latest Updates from Our Project:

The (Latest) Shipping News
1 day ago – Fri, Sep 06, 2024 at 06:50:50 AM

According to Samantha, our person at PrintLore…

…the boat with our IMP books docked in Tacoma Tuesday, September 4, and the container "was discharged from the vessel… and is pending a customs X-Ray Exam (our container got randomly pulled for this). I don't think this will affect the estimated schedule at all. I will let you know once we have clearance."

MEANING: I'm still expecting the IMP ULTRA-COOL books to be at my door on the 16th or 17th. And I will start shipping them out right away!

After I get back from the BALTIMORE CON.

Yeah, I fly out the 19th, and getting ready for the trip… I'll be doing a different kind of packing, packaging and panicking.


I'm tempted to say if you're going to be in Baltimore, I'll bring your book and hand-deliver it to you. BUT I don't know for sure the book will be here by then. Plus, there are a lot of moving pieces with fulfillment— who gets what swag and which add-ons, etc.— and just thinking about keeping that straight and getting it all across country without it getting damaged or lost makes my head hurt.

So I may have IMP ULTRA-COOL books with me, but I won't have YOUR book. Sorry.

But if you supported this campaign and are at the Baltimore show, PLEASE stop by and see me. I'll have a little special something-something for you to make it worth your while.


…I'll be at ROSE CITY COMIC CON this weekend! As in: TODAY! And TOMORROW! Please stop by and say hello, if you're in the area. I will have my advanced copy of the IMP ULTRA-COOL book with me, and you are welcome to flip through it.

IMPORTANT! Next Day Update!
19 days ago – Tue, Aug 20, 2024 at 07:14:48 AM

IMP Books: 

ETA Port Tacoma, August 28.

ETA Panic Central (aka My House): September 10.

"Barring unexpected delays." (< Brrr! Hate those words!)

I told you I'd tell you when I knew. And now I know. And now you know.

This means the books will NOT be debuting at ROSE CITY COMIC CON (Booo!) but I will be safely ensconced in RCCC's Artist's Alley (Friday and Saturday only; family obligations on Sunday), so come by to see me and the beautiful ADVANCED COPY of the book the printer sent me!

ON MY END: everything is in place to begin sending stuff out the instant the books are in the legendary PANIC ROOM FULFILLMENT CENTER (my basement).

ON YOUR END: If you want your IMPOSSIBLE GOODIES ASAP, please make sure you:


These went out long ago, but there are still 38 PEOPLE who have NOT filled out their survey. Remember: this is how I get your MAILING ADDRESS! Without your mailing address, I cannot mail you anything!

I am sending out a survey reminder email RIGHT NOW. If you receive it— might need to check your SPAM folder—  please respond NOW, before life gets in the way and you forget.

If you aren't sure if you've filled out your survey, ask me. I'll check and let you know.


…your credit card will be charged for any extra swag you may have added to your order, and any postage costs (if applicable). IF YOUR CARD IS DECLINED— hey, it happens. It's happened to me. BackerKit will send you an email alert, and give you time to resolve the problem.

If there's STILL a problem, please let me know. There are workarounds.

Before I go, I need to share this…

Now THAT'S a secret, hidden lab!

It's from the upcoming IMPOSSIBLE TO LOVE one-shot/prologue. Probably launching in mid/late September— "barring unexpected delays" (those words again!) getting your IMP ULTRA-COOL COLLECTOR'S EDITION out!

Wrote the Last Update Before I Had COFFEE
20 days ago – Mon, Aug 19, 2024 at 06:48:12 AM

Very sorry. I screwed up. BackerKit has me charge orders BEFORE I Lock Addresses. My un-caffeinated mind switched the order. So I will actually be CHARGING CARDS later today— probably in a few hours since I want to make sure all the Digital Rewards are in place first. LOCKING ADDRESSES will come LATER.

GOOD NEWS: that means you'll be able to read the IMPOSSIBLE PDF later today!

But first— a second cup of coffee…


20 days ago – Mon, Aug 19, 2024 at 06:36:33 AM

Today, you'll receive an email about how I am about to LOCK YOUR ADDRESS. This gives you 48 hours to double-check and, if needed, update your address.

Once addresses are locked, I will charge your card for any additional swag you might have grabbed via Backerkit, plus any outstanding postage.

I believe you will NOT receive this email if you're a Digital-Only Backer (unless you did decide to get something physical, like one of those sweet IMP T-SHIRTS)— but I could be wrong about that and/or there could be some screw-ups. If that's you and that happens, please ignore the email to LOCK YOUR ADDRESS.

Once addresses are locked, I will charge cards— most likely on Monday, August 26th. Once cards are charged, I will send out the Digital Rewards. (They should go out automatically.)

I was planning to do these things a bit earlier, but COVID got me and my wife, and really screwed up everything for a couple weeks. Not super sick, but it was super-annoying. (Good News: we did NOT infect our daughter, and her soccer team won their bracket in the Coastal Cup Soccer Tournament!)

I'm expecting to hear from the printer this week with an estimated DELIVERY DATE for the printed books. Once I know, you'll know.

Thanks again for supporting IMPOSSIBLE JONES! The book simply wouldn't exist without people like you, and I'd be a Wall-mart greeter because outside of comics I have NO MARKETABLE SKILLS!


IMPOSSIBLE Things are Happening Every Day…
30 days ago – Fri, Aug 09, 2024 at 07:32:41 AM

Not a Dream! Not a Hoax! Not an Imaginary Story!

(Except all comics are imaginary stories, of course. But the point is…)


Well— in MY house, at least. Yesterday I received my sample copy of the book. The other 1000+ books are still somewhere in China. Hopefully a port city. Already on a boat, if we're lucky. I've been told they'll be in my hands in 3 to 4 weeks.


This book looks FANTASTIC! Take a look for yourself…

Beautiful Inside Front Cover.
Hey! Here's the 2-page "IMP Origin" I had to throw together at the last minute!
A random interior spread. Oh! It's the new ending for the IMP-LIGHTNING chapter! HA! What're the chances that'd show up at total random?
And here's the Show-Stopper! The ARTHUR ADAMS FOLD-OUT— Folded-IN! And then…

I have to say, the fine folks at PRINTLORE did an EXCELLENT job! The only problems I have with this book are all of my own doing (design choices I'd do a little differently in the future, mostly), but the printing is FLAWLESS. I will certainly be using PRINTLORE for future hardcover books.

So… What's Next?

I'd say it's about time to send out PDFs of this bad girl! 

Few steps involved here. First, later today you'll get an email telling you I'm about to LOCK ORDERS. This gives you 48 hours to add anything to your order you've been lying awake at night thinking about— an extra copy of the book, a sweet IMP T-Shirt, whatever.

You can also update your address/make sure it's correct. Double-check to be sure.

It will also give me a few days to recover, because I came down with COVID a few days ago. Sad but true. BLEH!

NEXT MONDAY I will LOCK ADDRESSES (and hopefully be feeling better).

Once I lock addresses, PDFs should go out automatically. So look for the links starting MONDAY. If there are any glitches, I should be well enough by then to fix things.

Then the next time you hear from me, I should be mailing out the books!